Dear friends!The May comes to the end and we would like to share with you the results of our work.
Participation in the business event Online Business Laboratory 2018 from Genius Marketing. We have received many useful ideas and a lot of inspiration and we are ready to put them into practice.
The ChatOS team took part in the international conference IDATE. The founder of ChatOS company – Viktor Tsiukh was a speaker at the conference. We are glad to have new useful acquaintances, experience and networking. It was great!
We have launched a new modern interface for PrimeDate site. We hope that you enjoy our new design.
Innovation for the PrimeDate site: now you have the opportunity to choose the lady for whom you want to open the extension.
We have held the first webinar “How to make money on letters” and got a good feedback. Thank you for your comments. We intend to make it regular. Write us your ideas and questions on Skype and we will try to answer at the following webinars.
We are preparing new surprises for you, but we will talk about this later. See you soon!Sincerely, Your ChatOS.