Your blacklist can be formed by the entire agency.
Every lady can add a man to a personal blacklist or to a global one. If a man is added to the global blacklist, all ladies within the agency will be automatically informed about him, and to manage this process, administrators can use a tool in the personal account with a help of certain tool can add, delete or edit information about a man.
Thus, you are secured more we hope that it won’t become needed, but still…
To start working over a blacklist, click on a “Blacklist” inside the extension.
To add a man to black list:
- Set its ld;
- Set a reason of adding a man to a black list;
- Set a type of black list:
- Personal – your personal blacklist what is visible only for you
- Global – a man will be added to all ladies inside your agency;
- click on a green button “+”;
- When all settings will be applied, confirm this action by clicking on “Save”.