Hello Friends!Here is another month of fruitful work behind us. It’s time to show our results to you.We continue to implement additional features for our extensions. For extensions on the site Prime.date we have implemented the following things:
Now, when writing letters the system highlightes in bold the part of the letter that the man will see as the title when he receives your letter. So, you can pay special attention to the creation of an interesting beginning, which will increase the interest of the man to read the letter.
The next useful feature is the ability to see how many men will receive your letter. Just select the sending categories and you will see immediately the number of potential recipients.
We have created a tool for analyzing sent messages. Now in your personal account is full information: how many letters were sent, how many of them were read, how much were answered on, how many chats occured after the letters were sent.
You receive notifications about the new incoming message in the extension for chats on the site Prime.Date only if a man has written to the lady within the last two days. Now there is no notifications about finished private chats, where the man wrote the last message or just about the forgotten ones, including old likes or waves)
A new “Block List” has been created which is a tool for extensions for chats and letters on Svadba.com and Prime.Date sites. Now, you are protected from dishonest employees actions, sending incorrect messages, links and prohibited content directly to chats, letters, invitations.More Detailed:
We have created a universal “Block list from ChatOS” for you. You can use it without any restrictions
Also you can form your unique “Block list” and use it for your entire agency.
There is another Important usefulness, it’s that “Block list” works not only when sending messages and invitations to chat but it also blocks sending of unwanted messages while chatting.
Now our users receive notifications:
about the attempt to use a forbidden phrase from the “Block list” by a specific lady or translator
about the expiration of your balance
in the case of stopping the financial data synchronization for the admin panel on Top.dates.
Now you will be detaily informed and will be able to react quickly, preventing disruptions in the agency work.
In order to get the advantages just log in through Telegram on the ChatOS system and get important information on time.The list of the international business conference “The Future of the International Dating Market” 2018 speakers has already been formed and published. Find out names of professionals which are ready to share their experiences on the site: https://conf18.chatoptimizer.com/The new idea is plus one day of conference! Now participation in a business conference can be more useful and informative for its participants. Closed trainings from leading experts on dating, matchmaking and business education. What do you think about it? Let us know your opinion: https://conf18.chatoptimizer.com/#conf18-propose-sectionТo be continued
We still have many ideas. The ChatOS team continues actively implement them to please you with new usefulness. Sincerely, ChatOS team!.