How to chat with a foreigner to become the ‘only one who understands him’ on a dating site

Going to search on a dating site, it is important to understand that long-term communication or the creation of relationships, or a couple, or a family (choose what suits you) should bring joy and become a comfortable world for a partner.
And one of the important lady’s skills in a couple is to be able to support her man.
Men on dating sites want to share not only their joys and dreams, but also problems, bad experiences, disappointments… They tell what has boiled over and there is no one to tell in ordinary real life, but there is no longer any strength to keep it.
So, “By providing support, a woman expresses her love” the law works here:
If you can sympathize and support so that “it becomes easier in his soul”, it is unlikely that a man will leave you.
It is clear that it is necessary to be able to calm down and support sincerely. Psychology is a delicate matter. Feigned or indifferent encouragement does not work here.
How to become the only one he wants to trust.
1. Be sure to “listen” to all the difficulties of the man, in no case change the topic or ignore important phrases.
If he started talking about it, it is very important for him to get a dose of understanding and support.
2. Ask a man how the day went, what was at work, how his mood … Feel him and the moment when you need to discuss or keep silent.
3. Offer, when appropriate, possible things to correct the situation, new ways for actions, reasons why even this moment can bring positive things into his life.
In general, everything to revive his faith, confidence, a sense of strength and new opportunities.
4. Find the right words so that he understands that it is you who are burning with his life, you care, you can be yourself. And phrases like: my dear … will accustom him to the idea that he is yours, and subconsciously will bring him closer to the idea that you are his lady.
5. Choose relevant phrases, how to support:
- Everything will be just fine Don’t let that worry you
- Don’t let that distress (upset) you
- Don’t take it so much (close) to heart
- Could I help you in any way?
- I wish I could do something for you
- I’m here for you.
- I understand your pain.
- I’m sorry stuff happened this way.
- I really admire how you are handling this. I know it’s difficult.
- It’s Okay to feel this way.
- You aren’t weak.
- How can I console you or cheer you up?
- I’ll support you either way
- I’ll see about it
- Pay no attention
- How well I understand you!
- I’m sorry to hear of it, but, believe me, all will be well.
- It’s not your fault.
- You had nothing to do with it.
Support with words, let him know that you are near. Show the man the light at the end of the tunnel.
Start putting these tips into practice.
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